lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Big numbers

This video and picture are helpful to be able to read and write the big numbers. We don't normally write numbers with words, but it's possible to do this, and of course, this will show how we say the numbers.

For example:

1,011one thousand eleven
21,011twenty-one thousand eleven
721,011seven hundred twenty-one
thousand eleven
1,256,721one million two hundred fifty-six
thousand seven hundred twenty-one
31,256,721thirty-one million two hundred
fifty-six thousand seven hundred

six hundred thirty-one million
two hundred fifty-six thousand
seven hundred twenty-one

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Write about a painting

Choose one of these paintings and describe it.
The names are:
- Las Meninas
- La Gioconda
- Guernica
- El grito